Integrering av ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodik
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Nils Rettenmaier . EUROCLIMA Workshop Campinas, Brazil, 30 November 2011. ifeu – Institute for Energy and This book presents the state of the art of different biodiesel production techniques, investigates them from the life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective, and discusses biodiesel production in terms of feedstocks, production systems, and biodiesel purification and upgrading technologies These LCA results have been compared to LCA results of other fuels to have a better insight of advantages and drawbacks of algal biodiesel. These assessments are based on inventories already published (30, 31) and included in the Ecoinvent database and deal with rapeseed methylester, soybean methylester, palm methylester, and oil diesel. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been widely used to analyze various pathways of biofuel preparation from “cradle to grave.” Effects of nitrogen supply for algae cultivation and technology of algal oil extraction on life cycle fossil energy ratio of biodiesel are assessed in this study. Life cycle fossil energy ratio of Chlorella vulgaris based biodiesel is improved by För att göra biodiesel i vårt exempel krävs raps, metanol (20 procents inblandning) och kaliumhydroxid.
Biodiesel is a general term for renewable diesel fuel substitute that is produced by chemically reacting an alcohol with natural oil. Actually rapeseed methyl ester (RME) or biodiesel made from rapeseedoil was explored in the LCA and externality analysis. The emission and technical data for biodiesel are based on a demonstration project at VITO 2020-06-08 · Therefore, the LCA of biodiesel production must be evaluated in order to find the environmental hotspots and to produce biofuels with substantially less GHG emissions than the fossil derived fuels . The net GHG was determined leveraging the inputs and outputs of the engineering process model with life cycle inventory data. The functional unit of the LCA is 20.8 Mtoe (million tons oil equivalents) biodiesel equalling the EU25 goals for biodiesel in 2020. Land occupation and transformation are quantified for the two alternative vegetable oils, and losses throughout the product chain from cultivation over crushing to refining are inventoried.
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Tim Grant, Tom Beer, Peter Life Cycle Analysis of Biofuel. A Comparative Study of the UK and Nepal - Environmental Sciences - Master's Thesis 2010 - ebook 34.99 € - GRIN. This article presents mass balances and a detailed life cycle assessment (LCA) for energy and greenhouse gases.
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Bibliography. EIA (2008) Fuel oil and kerosene sales 2007. DOE/EIA-0535(07) Washington DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE. EPA (2002) A comprehensive analysis of biodiesel impacts on exhaust emissions. EPA420-P-02-001 Like all energy carriers including renewable energies, the production to combustion cycle of biodiesel should also be assessed from the sustainability point of view. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a promising approach capable of assisting decision makers to find the environmental consequences of the existing or future biodiesel production plans. Biodiesel is one of the biofuel being developed and used intensively in Indonesia.
3. 13. 4. 8. 17. Feb 4, 2015 LCA directs the study of environmental impact of the product system to of the production of engine fuels and biofuels, especially their storage. Mar 24, 2015 Project overview.
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LPG. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. Motorgas, gasol. PHEV. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Plug-in-hybridelfordon.
Miguel Brandão - Associate Professor in Industrial Ecology
fossila oljan med biodiesel i reservkraftverken. Till. är LCA-påslag samt direkta utsläpp av metan och lustgas vid förbränning av biobränslen. i dag att ersätta den fossila oljan med biodiesel i reservkraft- verken. Av biomassan kan man tillverka olika typer av "biooljor", som i sin tur kan raffineras till exempelvis biodiesel och biobensin som fungerar på Förnybara drivmedel för hållbara transporter.
The effects of algae-derived biodiesel used in the passenger cars could be net positive or negative, depending on the algae cultivation and conversion processes from algae to biodiesel [ 18 ]. 2012-01-01 · Comparative LCA has been carried out for biodiesel, gasoline and diesel. The results on fossil energy use and GHG emissions along the whole chain show the environmental benefits of biodiesel use in Greece. direct and indirect impacts, life cycle assessment (LCA) model is popularly applied (ISO, 2006).